Holidays Part - 2

 Part 2 - In her Home


Hello sweetie, how are you, it’s been so long, miss you di; Latha said. I became surprised & nervous, because, she was calling me di (female pronoun).

I’m fine, but why are you calling me di? Please, don’t call me that; I told her. And she said sorry, not only for calling me di, but also for what she did to me on that day.

Sorry, I was being very rude to you, I really feel sorry for that; she apologized.

It’s fine akka, it was never my intention, it’s just happened unknowingly, I’m sorry akka; I replied her.

It’s fine bro, I need a little help, can you do it? She asked me.

I will try my level best; I assured her.

It’s nothing much, my parents won’t be home for three days. I asked Anjali to come & stay with me, but she is afraid to come alone. So can you come along & stay with us? She explained. I visualised my previous day with them. That kind of things were the ones I really needed to avoid; I thought myself.

No akka, I have cricket competition, and some other works, so I won’t be able to come there, sorry; I tried to avoid her.

          Even though Latha akka practically begged me, still I didn’t change my mind. After that, I gave phone to Anjali akka. She took it me, and both of them talked for some time. Soon after, she handed over the phone to my mom. It was clear that, Latha akka was asking permission to send me with them. To my surprise, I heard mom said, OK, and Latha akka happily cut the call.

Why did you say that? Why did you promise her? I have some other works, I can’t go; I shouted at mom.


Look son, we can’t send your sister alone, right? Not just that, Latha is alone as well, how can two girls stay there without any protection? You are my little warrior, go and take care of them; at last mom convinced me, and I couldn’t turn her down, so I accept to go with my sister. Mom became happy and went out for work. Slowly I turned towards my sister.

I will come with you akka, but I have some conditions; I told her.

Conditions? What are they? She asked me.

One, never tease me, two, delete the photos taken on that day, three, never talk about it, and last, your friend Latha should never call me di, if all these are OK, then I will come with you; I stated.

Everything is good, except the last one, I can’t tell her to do that, but you can tell her, you are a boy, just fight for it, aunt’s little warrior; she giggled.

OK akka, I will tell her, but promise me you won’t support her; I looked at her and she nodded her head.

          Next day morning, right before I went to play cricket, I told her to pack my clothes, which I kept on the bed, and asked her to pick me from the ground. After a while, Anjali akka came to the ground with a bag in her hands. I said bye to my friends, and went along with her. While walking towards the bust stop, I once again reminded her about my conditions.

Don’t worry, nothing will happen, I promise; she assured me. And sorry brother, sorry for that day, just take it as a fun, don’t be serious, I wanted to tell you this long before, but you were angry & didn’t talk to me, so I couldn’t, sorry; she apologized.

It’s OK akka; I replied.

          Latha’s home was almost one and half hour away from us. We got into the bus and started our journey. On the way we chatted, and she told so many things about her school & college life. Which made me, comfortable with her.

          At last we reached there, Latha akka welcomed us with a smile. She showed little angry towards me, then came forward and quickly kissed on my forehead.

Vaadi ulla (come inside di); she told me, and went inside.

          I complained to my sister, and asked her to tell my conditions to Latha akka. When we got inside, other than three of us, no one else was present.

Where is everyone else? Do they went? When? Anjali akka asked her.

Yes, they did, just half an hour ago, but no worries, they will come only after three days, no one else will be here, we will be comfortable, now give me your bag, I will keep it in the room, make sure to get freshen up, I will make coffee; saying that she showed us the bathroom, and took the bag from my sister, then quickly went to her room.

          Anjali akka asked me to get freshen up, and went after Latha. I got inside the bathroom, took a bath, and came outside wearing a towel.

Akka, I need my clothes; I shouted at my sister, and she came from the kitchen.

What? I didn’t bring any of your clothes, I thought you did; she replied me.

But, how can I? Did you saw any bag with me? I told you, I kept them on my bed, why didn’t you take it? Why didn’t you put it in your bag? I became angry.

Of course I looked in your room, but no clothes were there, so I thought, you already took them, and sorry, we were in a hurry, I forgot to ask you about it; she said.

You are lying, you cheated me, you planned something, why are you doing this? I yelled at her. Hearing me shouting at my sister, Latha also came.

You think I did something? Well, I didn’t, I didn’t saw your clothes, why don’t we ask aunty about it? Anjali became angry, and dialled my mom from Latha’s phone. She handed me the receiver and told me to ask her.

Yes, I saw them, they were scattered around, so I folded them neatly and put back in the cupboard; mom replied.

Why did you do that? I became angry and shouted at her, then cut the call.

Sorry akka; I told my sister, and kept my head down. I became so tensed and wanted to go home right away.

Go and wear your old ones, the one you wore before; she said. I would’ve loved to do the same, but that wasn’t possible.

I already washed them akka; I replied her by keeping my head down.

He doesn’t have an underwear as well; Latha said, and they both laughed at me.


          I looked at my sister angrily and they stopped. Latha told me to wait, and went inside. She came back with her father’s clothes and handed them to me. I wore them but they were too big and baggy for me. Seeing me struggling with clothes, they laughed again. I held the pants with one hand and shouted at them.

How can I wear this? I asked them. Latha once again told me to wait and went inside. She came back with something and handed them to me.

Try this; she said. I looked at it, by unfolding the same. It was a nightie, with flowers all over.

What is this? I asked Latha.

It’s a nightie, wear it, we will wait outside; saying that Latha, grabbed my sister’s hand and pulled her out.

          I became confused, and didn’t know what to do. I just sat on the bed, with the flowery nightie in my hand.

Did you wear it? Latha asked from outside.

No, how can I wear this, please, can you arrange something else? I asked her. Latha came inside.

What’s the problem with you? I gave you my father’s clothes, right? And they didn’t suit you well, he is the only male in this house. Do you want to try my mom’s saree? If yes, just ask me, I will bring that too; Latha was angry. We didn’t do anything, you know that, and we already saw you in girl’s clothes, then why are you acting like this is the first time? No one will come here tonight, so wear it for now. In the morning, your clothes will get dry, and you can wear them for the rest of the day, please adjust this night; she said and took the nightie, from my hand.

          She placed it over my head, and pulled out my hands. Slowly it slid down, and covered my whole body. It felt kind of strange. Latha didn’t say anything, but simply grabbed my hand, and took me outside. My sister was waiting there. Seeing her, I quickly crossed my hands in front of me. She gave me a naughty smile.

It looks good on you; she said, and I kept my head down in shame.

Did you wear the petticoat? She asked me, and I didn’t say anything.

I didn’t give him any; Latha replied for me.

No? Then what are you wearing under it? She asked me again.

The towel; I replied.

Why are you still wearing that wet towel? You will get sick and the nightie will also get wet, remove it; Latha said, but I didn’t do anything.

Did you give him any undies? Anjali akka asked Latha.

Sorry, I forgot, just a minute; Latha said and went to her room, then came back with an underwear.

Try this, it’s new, I never wore it; she said, by giving me the same. I looked at it, just like the nightie, it was also flowery and silky smooth.

What is this? I asked her.


It’s called panty, now, I do helped you with the nightie, but I can’t help you with this one, I would love to give you a petticoat too, but we promised no more forcing, so unless you want one, we won’t make you, do you want a petticoat? Latha asked me.

What? No, why would I? I moaned.

Okay, then please go and wear this, we will be here; she said with a smile.

          I went back to the room to wear it, because, other than obeying them, I didn’t have any other choice. It was my mistake, not theirs, so I told myself to calm down, and got inside the room, then locked the door.

* * * * *

          While I was inside busy in changing to the panties, someone ranged the calling bell. Latha opened the door. It was the neighbour aunt, she came inside.

Your parents are not here, right? So I’m here to take care of you, they asked me; she said. Latha became surprised to hear it.

Ah, don’t worry aunty, no need for that, I have my friends here to stay with me; she said.

Friends? Where are they? Aunt asked, and looked around. Suddenly she saw Anjali. Latha introduced her to aunty, and they began chatting each other.

* * * * *

          I removed the towel and wore the panty she gave me. When I opened the door, I saw someone sits along with them. I became so afraid, and quickly closed the door. Aunty saw me. Who’s that? She asked Latha. Where aunty? No one’s here; she replied. There, in the room, I saw someone; aunt was so sure about it. She came closer and knocked on the door. I became scared, but aunt was not going to back down. I looked around, and my eyes caught on a dupatta. So after a couple of minutes, I opened the door, covering my face with it.

Who is she? Aunt asked about me. Like us, Latha was also getting nervous.

Latha, who is she? Aunt asked again.

Anjali’s sister, she came along with her; without much thought, she said.

Oh, what’s your name? Aunt asked me.

It’s Raji aunty; suddenly Anjali replied for me.

That’s a nice name, but what’s with the get up? Why are you covering your face? Aunt asked me again.

She is little shy aunt, she had a big pimple, and when we pressed it, blood came out, we cleaned and bandaged it, it’s nothing much big, but still she doesn’t want to show her face to anyone; Latha came for my rescue.

What? Blood? Show me, let me help you; aunt tried to remove my dupatta.

Suddenly, Latha grabbed her hand, ‘sorry aunty, I forgot, I made coffee, let’s drink coffee; she said, and took her to the kitchen. I sighed, and quickly get inside room, then closed the door.

* * * * *

Ah, day after tomorrow, it’s my daughter’s puberty function, you know it, right? Come early, bring your friends also; She told Latha.

Of course aunt, I will tell them; Latha replied with a smile.

So, if you don’t want me to stay here, I will go, need to do some things for the function; while drinking coffee, aunt said.

          After having the coffee, she said bye and walked towards the door. Both Anjali & Latha got relaxed. Suddenly, she stopped, and turned back.

Where is Raji? She didn’t say anything, call her; she said.

She can’t aunty, she is mute; Latha spoke. Aunt looked at Anjali, she quickly put up a sad face.

Is it true? Aunt asked her. Both Latha & Anjali looked at each other, and nodded their head. Anjali became surprised by Latha’s quick lies, but they never made the situation better, it only made things worse.

How long she is like this? Aunt asked.

Couple of years aunt, it was an accident; Latha replied.

Sorry Anjali, I didn’t know, did she attend the age? Aunt apologized and asked her. Anjali akka didn’t say anything and looked at Latha.

What? Why are you both silent? Just say yes or no? Aunt asked again.

          Suddenly, Anjali said ‘yes’, and Latha said ‘no’, and they looked at each other and once again replied, but this time, Anjali said ‘no’ and Latha said ‘yes’.

What? Why are you guys so confused? Aunt began suspicious.

It’s not like that aunty, we said ‘yes’, because she attended the age, and said ‘no’, because no function was done; Latha replied and both of them relaxed a bit.

Is it? Not done? OK Anjali, then we can keep her in the function along with my daughter; aunt stated.

No aunt, no, don’t worry about that, I will tell her mom about it, we don’t want to make you any trouble; Latha said.

What trouble? We had to do it for our daughter anyway, so we will just keep Raji along, give her mom’s number, I will talk to her; aunt spoke. Both of the girls couldn’t believe what she said.

No need to call her mom aunt, we can celebrate along with your daughter, you please do the necessary arrangements, we will bring her straight to the hall; Latha said.

Good girls, OK then, don’t be late, I will spread the word around; aunt said and went out.

          Both of them left out a big sigh, and sat on the sofa. How’s this possible? We will get caught, and he won’t accept it, what will happen if we get caught? Think about it; Anjali akka became scared, and shouted at Latha. Don’t worry, I will take care of it, we only need to make him accept it, we have so much work to do, and I need your help, don’t tell him about the function, let’s do it; Latha said.

* * * * *

          After a while, I heard a knock on the door. Slowly, I opened it, it was them. They quickly came in, and asked me to sit. I sat on the bed and looked at them.

Is she gone? I asked. Yes, she is; Latha nodded her head.

But there is news, good & bad, which do you want to hear first? She asked me.

Good, I think; I replied.

OK then, we are going to buy you some clothes; Latha said.

OK, that’s good, what’s the bad news? I asked her.

They will be girl’s clothes, you have to spend the next two days as a girl; Latha quickly replied. I couldn’t believe what she just said. I became scared, and kept looking at both of their faces.

Why? Why are you doing this? You guys promised, no more dressing up, please don’t do this to me, tomorrow, I will go home; I shouted at them. Suddenly, Latha akka started to cry.

Please, stay, if you go, I will get caught, aunty will tell everything to my parents, and dad will beat me for sure, please help me; she begged me, and cried a lot. I didn’t say anything, but kept looking at both of them. How can I do it? I asked myself.

How is this possible? He is a boy, what if someone will find out? What will we do? Anjali akka asked her.

We don’t need too much worry about it, look at him, with that hair, he is already look like a girl, with a little makeover, we can make him look like a princess; they were talked each other. I just sat there and watched them.

Is it OK Raji? Please accept it, after this over, we’ll give whatever you want; they asked me. 


        With lots of fear in my mind, I said OK. Latha jumped with joy, and kissed on my cheeks. That was the first time a girl kissed me. Even though, she was elder to me, my face turned red in shy. I have so many questions in my mind, but still I felt happy. She grabbed my hand, and took me to her room. It has lots of girly stuffs in pink, along with so much teddy bears. It felt kind of weird in the room. Why girls likes these kinds of stuffs? I asked myself.

Remove your clothes; she said.

No, I can’t; I shouted.

You are wearing my panty, right? Then remove the nightie; she said. But still I didn’t do anything and stayed their motionless. Latha akka came closer and grabbed my nightie herself, then pulled it upwards to remove it. I tried to stop her, but I couldn’t. Seeing me in panties, with an embarrassed face, Anjali akka tried to get out of the room, but Latha stopped her, and asked to help her.

What should I do? Anjali came back and asked her. Latha told her to show her hands and handed her a cream.


Apply this over his upper body along with the face, I will do his legs; she said.

          It took some time. After became satisfied, they made me sit there for a while. Time for your bath; they pushed me towards the bathroom. I couldn’t do anything other than obeying them. So I took a hot bath and came out. I looked at myself, all the hair in my body, including the face were gone, and the skin became so smooth that, it glowed.

Don’t worry about that, everything will be back to normal after few days; seeing me looking at myself, Latha said. Now wear this panty & nightie, then sit over there; after handing me a pink panty and the same nightie, she pointed towards the chair in front of the table.



          I wore them and sat, where they asked me to. Latha gave nail polish to Anjali akka and took some cream herself. While Anjali akka painted my nails, Latha applied that cream over my face. Slowly, my hands and feet become beautiful. When it was over, Latha gave me heels.

Wear it; she said. Why is this necessary? I asked her.

Just wear it; she replied. So I wore it, and tried to stood up, but I couldn’t. Both of them helped me to stand straight, and asked me to walk. I tried to make a step and succeeded, but when I tried for the second, I fell down.

No, I can’t walk in this, no; I said and sat on the chair.

Please try; Anjali akka asked me to.

No, I can’t and I won’t, what is this? Go to hell; I shouted at them.

Just leave him, relax Raji, I will bring some water; Latha said, and went to the kitchen along with my sister.


          A little later, they came back. Latha gave the water. While I was drinking it, she asked me to show my heels. I pulled up my nightie a bit, showed my feet. Suddenly, with the help of two small padlocks, Latha locked my heels.

Now you can’t remove them without my permission; Latha’s face wore an evil grin.

Why are you doing this? I almost cried.

          Anjali akka became worried about me, and asked Latha for the key. But she refused and went to the kitchen to cook the dinner. I sat there long and tried to remove the heels, but couldn’t help myself. After a while, I wanted to pee, but with the heels, it wasn’t easy for me. With great difficulty, I stood up, and walked towards the bathroom, by holding here & there. When I came out, instead of staying in the bedroom, I went to the kitchen, by the same way. Both Anjali & Latha became surprised, and happy to see me.

I know he could do it; Latha said, and again kissed on my cheeks. I became happy.

Let’s eat; she said, and we sat together.


          While eating, my hair was disturbing me. It always fell over my eyes. Latha noticed it. She went to her room, and came back with a comb. She asked me to sit straight, and started combing my hair. After completing it, she took some hair from my both left & right side, and fixed it in the middle with the help of a hair clip. And the whole time, I didn’t say anything.

Did you like it? Anjali akka asked me. I just smiled at her, and we ate the dinner together.

          After that, we watched TV together. Show me your feet; Latha asked me, and I did. Tomorrow, we need to go out, and you can’t just walk in heels, that’s why I locked it, sorry, now let me remove it; saying that she herself, unlocked them, and removed the heels as well. Why should I wear these tomorrow? I have my clothes and shoes, they will get dry soon; I became confused. Both Anjali & Latha, looked at each other, and smiled, but didn’t say anything. I was getting sleepy, so Latha asked me to go to the room. You can sleep in my parents’ room, Anjali will stay with me in mine; she said. I wished them good night, and went to her parents’ room with lots of thoughts and confusion in my mind. Everything will be okay in the morning; I thought myself and got into the bed.

          In the morning, the first thing I did was check my clothes. To my surprise, they were all wet, just like the day before. I became so tensed. What will I do? I asked myself, by looking at them. Latha & Anjali came looking for me.

Why are you here? Why didn’t you bathe? We need to go out, remember? Latha said.

I don’t think I can, I don’t have anything to wear; I showed them my still damp clothes.

Don’t worry about them, I will arrange some clothes, now go and bath; Latha told me.

What? I looked at them.

Yeah you heard me, you will have your clothes, now be a good girl and bath; Latha pushed me to the bathroom.

©Sweetha Agarwal - Crossdressing Tales

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