Rubina | The Satin Feel - 1

     I remember it was the first year of my college. Even 6 months into the first semester, I didn’t have any friends as I was a loner. But the story actually begins on a rainy day, when I was getting ready for college in morning, and realized that, there were no undergarments in my cupboard. I literally screamed from my room, “Mom, I can’t find my clothes. Where are they?” Mom screamed even louder from the kitchen. “It’s high time you start talking to your mom politely Robin boy”. Then she came into my room and opened another cupboard. It was my sister’s cupboard. I got confused for a second, but then she took out a camisole and a panty from the drawer. She dropped them on the bed and was about to leave. When I stopped her asking, “What the hell is that Mom?” 

The moment those words came out of my mouth, I regretted. But I had done the damage already. For the first time in last 5 years, mom slapped me. “Well, you need to be considerate of the fact that your mom works harder every day to make sure that you get everything and this is what she gets in return – your impoliteness? So here is what you’re going to do today. Either you are going to wear what is available or just go like that. Since I have paid a lot of money for your education, you are not going to bunk a single class. At least not for a stupid reason like this – that your underwear is not in your cupboard. Besides, you’re now grown up enough to take care of your own laundry.” But I just couldn’t believe that, this was my mom’s solution. And I shouted again, “Mom, these are didi’s. How can I wear them?” But Mom did not seem to be really taking questions that morning. “Oh so you want your own lingerie? Sorry son, but I’m kind of broke right now, and we can go shopping once my salary is credited.” So I just furiously went into the bathroom and Mom left for the kitchen. When I was done bathing, I came out and saw the camisole and the panty still lying on the bed. They were in white shiny satin. I remember I just stood there for a while. Because, I still couldn’t digest what was happening to me, that too at the hands of my mom. 

I finally picked up the panties and threw them back into the drawer. And now I found myself holding the camisole and still thinking what to do with it. I finally gathered the courage to wear it. It was a feeling I had never had before. No matter how much I hate to say it but I was liking it. The touch of satin was doing something to me. Something that I could not ignore. It was so smooth and soft against my skin. Though it was a little shorter and was exposing my midriff. That’s when I saw a picture of my sister on the wall. She was wearing the same camisole in the picture and her naval was also exposed. Only her belly button had a piercing too. My hands were disobeying me and my right one went for my navel. That’s when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I froze, because I knew that mom was standing right behind me. She turned me around and said with a straight face. “Why aren’t you ready yet? You’re yet to have your breakfast and I am already late for my office. 

Now I am leaving for work right now and you can stay here and admire yourself looking at your sisters picture and you will have to walk to the college today.” Before I could say something, mom left the room. Next thing I heard was her car speeding out of the driveway. Suddenly, I was back to my conscious and I started looking for my undergarment, but unfortunately everything was already in the washing machine. I wore the underwear I had taken off this morning, again. And wore rest of my clothes as well. I just picked up my breakfast sandwich, grabbed my bag and the keys, locked the house and started walking. I don’t know for how long I was lost in my thoughts, since there was a girl who came up running to me and said that, she has been calling my name from behind for last 5 minutes. “Hey lost boy I’ve been calling out your name for like forever. But you didn’t even turn. 

It’s okay if you don’t want to talk, I will not disturb you. See you sometime in college.” As she overtook me, I realized that she was my classmate. So I ran and caught up with her. “Hey I am so sorry I was lost in my thoughts and I did not even realize you were calling me. Actually I had a bad start to my day.” And I quickly changed the topic. “You are Salma, right? Of course you are. I mean we are in the same class and we haven’t even talked once.” She just smiled and added. “In fact we were Lab Partners for 2 months and we didn’t talk even once.” I was taken aback by what she said. Because see, this was the class’s most beautiful girl that I was talking to. Not only that, she was my lab partner for 2 months and I did not even talk to her once. In my heart I knew that I have lost all my chances, I mean if there were any. Especially with my kind of looks, a very lean build, less or no facial hair still and slightly long hair, which I was very lazy to cut. On the other hand, Salma was this beautiful 19 year old girl. About 5 feet 7 inches, very fair, perfect hour glass figure, beautiful brown eyes, and amazingly long hair that reached her butts. She was always dressed up in a salwar kameez that hugged her curves like it was stitched kept on her body.

 Today, the salwar kameez was in purple and like most of the days she had kept her hair loose. I realized that, I was still busy admiring her and I hadn’t really said something for the last 5 minutes. But when I said something, it was the most stupid thing that I could say. “If you don’t mind can I walk you to the college.” She just laughed and said “Relax you’re already doing so. No need to get hassled. You’re a nice boy Robin. And I would love to be friends with you.” I smiled and we were in the college before I could realize. College was busy she was with her friends all day. I wanted to talk to her, but I did not want to sound desperate. In the evening when I was walking back towards home, I was thinking about her, and she again appeared like magic. “Thinking about me?” A smile instantly came on my face on hearing her voice. I was honest. “Actually yes, I was thinking about you.” She smiled and offered me a chocolate she was eating. I was about to break a cube out of it and eat when she said, “Don’t worry, just take bite.” And doing so, I saw her lipstick on the chocolate. I was about to blush, I would have for sure, but the rain saved me. 

So we started running to find some shelter. I took out my handkerchief to dry my face and arms standing under one of the shops’ canopies. Suddenly, I found her staring at me. Actually she was staring at my chest. “Hey, what’s that?” She said. When I followed her gaze, I realized what she meant to ask. The rain had revealed my secret today. Due to the wetness of my shirt, the camisole’s lines were visible. I didn’t know what to say. So I just looked down. I’m sure I had started crying, but the rain was hiding my tears. That’s when Salma lifted my face holding my chin and asked, “Are you…??” Before she could even complete her question I said, “No no I’m not gay or a crossdresser.” But she laughed and completed her question. “Well, I was asking are you really wearing a camisole?"

 This time, the rain could not hide my tears. And she just hugged me. “Hey it’s okay I won’t judge you. But would you like to tell me about it? I promise I won’t tell anyone. It’s also okay if you don’t want to.” I cried more. And more. And more. And more. She held me by my shoulders side hugging me and we started walking. Though the rain had almost stopped, we were still wet. Soon she took a turn and I realized we were not walking towards my home. We were going to her home. She noticed my discomfort. “Don’t worry my parents are not home. They will not know. I understand you’re already embarrassed and I will not embarrass you more.” Saying this, she took me inside her home. She asked me to settle down in the living room, while she brings a towel. The next moment, she was standing behind me and drying my hair. But then she started combing them too. I kept sitting. “Hey I could do on my own.” I was about to grab the comb when she slapped my hand. “I’m just trying to be a good host. Any problems?” That statement made me giggle. “Okay so can you please also get me something to wear as I am feeling cold?” I said this turning to her.

 She just smiled and went inside her room and returned soon with a pile of clothes. She kept the pile on the couch beside me and asked me to choose. “Find the one which will fit you while I get us some tea.” When she came back, I was still sitting in my wet clothes. “Hey what happened? You don’t like any of these?” My reply was quick. “Salma, you said you won’t embarrass me and then you only bring me the girliest clothes in your wardrobe to choose from. Is it a joke?” Salma had tears in her eyes. “I just thought you like…” She could not complete her sentence. And I jumped up. “No, not at all. For your kind information, this is the first time I’m wearing anything feminine. And that too because my mom didn’t get time to do the laundry. I thought I will manage for one day and it will be over. But my bad luck is that the girl who I have been admiring since day one has seen me in a camisole. And now she thinks that I am a sissy or something.” I was crying again. Salma came and hugged me. “I’m so sorry I didn’t know anything I just…” She could not complete her sentence again. I could see she was still confused.

 But then she just started taking off my clothes. I was about to pull back, but she calmed me down. She removed my uniform shirt and my camisole. And then started making me wear one of hers. But unlike mine, it was in pink. I stopped her but she almost looked at me pleadingly. “Just this time sweetheart or you’ll catch a cold. Only till your shirt is drying. Then you can wear your own. Besides, I don’t have any boy clothes at home. I’m my parents only daughter and my father also lives away. And you know I don’t wear any shirts, you have always seen me wearing salwar kameez. You can wear that if you want.” She saw my face and added quickly. “You might as well look cute in salwar kameez.” I knew she was teasing me. She had no intentions of embarrassing me or hurting me. She suddenly pronounced me ready. I looked down and I realized I was not only wearing her camisole but also a top, that had, in very shimmery letters, written Daddy’s Princess. Th top was also in pink colour. So I was now wearing two layers of satin. She even got me a mirror. My jaw dropped when I saw that she had actually redone my hair in a very girly style. “I think you need a headband.” She continued the teasing. “Can I please give you a little make-up too? I promise you will look great.” This time I cried again. But it didn’t soften her. Instead, she took it one level up. “God, you are such a crying little girl. No wonder your mom put you in a camisole.

 Are you also wearing pretty matching panties? Now stop crying or I will definitely give you a make-up, at least some kajal in those beautiful eyes.” She disappeared again and came back with a headband. Even though I resisted, she put it on my head. “Okay Rubina, let’s go to the kitchen and grab a bite.” I gave her an angry look but this time, I didn’t cry and followed her to the kitchen. We were eating something when suddenly the doorbell rang. I was scared and I ran to hide. Soon from inside Salma’s room I heard some giggling. The voice was recognizable. It was my mom. I ran outside shouting. “You betrayed me, Salma. You said you would not embarrass me anymore in front of anyone. And you called my mom?” Now mom got hold of me. She looked furious. “Say sorry, Rubina. You’re not supposed to talk to her like that. She was only worried about you and that’s why she called me. I had even told her to keep you here tonight, but she said you might break down. And this is how you’re behaving with her? Is that what I have taught you? Disrespect such a nice host? So like I said, say sorry Rubina. Say sorry to your friend. And then pick up your bag and we will go home. Unless you want to spend the entire semester in girly inner wear.” Mom was loud and clear. She wanted me to say sorry and she wanted it right now. So I did so. Just when we were leaving, Salma came and handed me a bag. “That’s something for you just in case Rubina stays for a little longer.” And she winked. I did not want to take the bag but one stare from mom and I had to. I thanked Salma and she kissed me goodbye. And while she was kissing me on the cheek, she whispered in my ear. “I would love to see Rubina in college tomorrow or aunt has already asked me to come and teach Rubina some etiquettes after college.”

© Christi James from Crossdressing Tales

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